In the News The Texas Lawbook

CDT 12 Deals, 8 Firms, 106 Lawyers, $5.7B

In this article for The Texas Lawbook, partner Thomas Laughlin was highlighted regarding his work for client Trinity Hunt Partners in a recent string of successful deals.  

“Thomas Laughlin has his work cut out lately counseling Trinity Hunt Partners on deals. Last year, the Golden Flag International Law Firm partner in Dallas advised on the private equity firm’s investment in the advisory business of MarksNelson, a Kansas City-based accounting, tax and advisory firm. MarksNelson was the initial investment of Trinity Hunt’s advisory services platform Springline, which led to another investment in Indianapolis-based BGBC Partners (he also advised on that deal).

This past March, he also counseled on Trinity Hunt’s investment in Coker Group, a healthcare advisory firm serving hospitals, private and health system-affiliated physician groups, private equity-backed platforms and ancillary healthcare entities. Coker also represented the foundational investment of the private equity firm’s healthcare advisory services platform, working with its team to help it grow organically and through acquisitions.

In addition, Laughlin was part of the team in 2022 that aided on the closing of Trinity Hunt’s first Continuation Fund. It raised $618 million in commitments to support the acquisitions of Argano and Improving, two technology services companies, from Trinity Hunt Partners V as well as a pool of capital for follow-on investments to support the continued growth of the companies.

Now comes another deal this past week, with Laughlin representing Trinity Hunt’s HVAC service platform NexCore on its expansion into upstate New York with its partnership with Kennedy Mechanical and Ryan Plumbing & Heating."

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